To place an order, request a sample or request a quote, please use our online order form here.

    If you wish to open a new account, you can download our new account application form from the bottom of the website as either a PDF or Excel spreadsheet. Once completed, you can send it to us via fax, email, or by uploading it to the contact form below.

    Account Number (if known)

    *Email Address


    *Full Business Name

    *Phone Number

    *Nature of enquiry

    NB: We can only open an account if a completed “New Account Form” is attached to this form. Blank forms can be found in the left hand column of this page.


    Attach a file (max size 10MB)

    By providing your details and ticking this box you agree that Evans Textiles may contact you by email, phone and post and you confirm you have read and accepted our Privacy Policy

    Data Requests

    Below you will find a form to complete to either request information or request the removal of information from our systems for your data only, if you have a query regarding this data or would like to speak to a member of staff please feel free to call us on 0161 274 4147.

    Please note that this form is to request or remove of personal data, please complete the form and we will respond to your query within 30 days.

      Please see our privacy policy page for further information about how we hold and use your data.